Everything's been hitting me these past couple of days. In less than 6 months (a couple days over 5 months actually) Aaron and I will be TTC. In less than a year, I'll be graduated AND we'll be moving up to Windsor. It's super hard to just... grasp it all and wrap your mind around all of it. I'm excited as hell... not too... scared, but with everything hitting me AT ONCE, it's over-whelming.
In October Aaron and I will be TTC a baby girl. He wants a little girl more than anything in this entire world. Me, not so much. I was boys. But, from him talking about it so much, I'm starting to catch his fever a little bit. All I keep thinking about is PINK PINK PINK! YAHOO! We even have our names picked, and they're pretty much set in stone. We have 2 boy names (our favourite, and a second, incase we end up with 3 boys - I'm including Wyatt people!!) and we also have one girl name. I'm realllly hoping we don't have more than 1 girl, I don't think I could handle more than 1 teenage daughter... Actually, I don't think I can handle ONE teenage daughter. Also, I hate picking out girl names, boy names are sooo much better!
I've been thinking lately, how fricken TERRRRRRIFED I am to TTC. Trying to conceive leads to pregnancy which leads to labour and delivery. EEP! I've already pushed out one kid, do I really have to push out another? Next time, I really want to get the damn epidural, then I think I'll be fine.
I don't think Aaron knows how excited I actually am for this. He knows, but does he truly KNOW?! *sigh* I hope he does.
Do you belive it cause...
16 years ago
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