Monday, May 26, 2008


Aaron has been very vocal about the fact that he no longer cares (at all) about myself or Wyatt.

On Thursday I brought Wyatt to school. Aaron told Charlotte that he knows the only reason I brought Wyatt in was to piss him off. If he doesn't care AT ALL about myself or Wyatt, why would me bringing Wyatt in piss him off?

On Friday at lunch, Aaron, Jeremy, and 2 others went out for lunch. Aaron, being the showoff that he is, almost got into a few accidents. Jeremytoldme about it on the bus. I came home and I cried. All I could do was think about the "what if's"... I cried and cried. I don't want to lose Jeremy. And I think, that made me realize how much I like him.

Tomorrow (Monday) Alyssa and Aaron are going somewhere at lunch. I FUCKING HATE THAT! I hate the fact that he's taking my friends away from me. I hate the fact that he doesn't want me to be friends with Jeremy, then he turns around and decides to be friends with Alyssa... she was MINE first =(

Gah. I like Jeremy, and I want to be his girlfriend. And, I think I should tell him.

1 comment:

Heather ♥ Schulz said...

Aaron blows. Period. There are more than enough people who care about you and Wyatt to make up for all the past bullshit any guy ever put you through over petty CRAP!